Fabian Plank:  fplank2002@gmail.com
Raphael Ertl:   raphael.ertl200703@gmail.com
Manuel Sperl:  manuel.sperl686@gmail.com

Addiction to Games

Hey everyone,

Many young people spend a lot of their free time with playing online games.
We really like playing too :) But, nevertheless, there’s always another side of the coin...
So, that lead us to the idea to write a blog about this issue.

Addiction to games is a common problem which concerns a lot of young people. 
Many teenagers come home after school and then they are bored, so they start to play on their 
PCs. You surely know a lot of people who play computer games the whole afternoon, don’t you? 
The digitization is going on and so it is probably not the end of the dilemma.
I think you know how fast the time passes by if you sit in front of the PC. 
You look at the display and boooom it’s a few hours later :) 
The affected people experience a lot of positive emotions so that’s one of  the reasons why people get addicted. 
Do you know any case?

Now let’s talk about the most important point: The black site of the game addiction.
It is very difficult to recover from it, do you have any experience with this?
Although there is one important question: Why should you want to get out of this?
You are in a big hype and so you don’t want to stop it. Even if this makes you happy it’s bad for you :( but later 
more about why. We think it’s also the duty of the parents to check how much time their children spend in front 
of their PCs.

The affected people turn into little zombies :). 
They don’t go outside with their friends anymore and so after a while they won’t have any friends. 
These people live in an unreal world and in special cases they have a reality loss. 
They want to be the best and so they spend a lot of money in the games and break up their social contacts.
Anyway, they live their lives in one room, they don’t make any sports and so after a few years they will get a lot of 
physical problems.For example they get fat or they neglect their hygiene routines.

Please tell us your opinion and share this blog. Do you like it? Let us know! :D

Thanks for reading!
Your pros for addiction :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


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